To successfully pass the Seagull test online, sailors need to prepare carefully. However, besides these specialized modules, such a test will undoubtedly be supplemented with general, fundamental modules that every sailor should be familiar with, such as Fire-fighting, Survival, First Aid, and so on.

For example, the CES exam for engine cadet may include modules related to ship’s equipment, mechanisms, and devices. Over 350 companies worldwide utilize the CES testing system to evaluate the competence of their crew members.Įach Seagull maritime test consists of a specific number of modules ( CBT modules or CBT CDs), which collectively constitute the entire content of the test. This test is highly popular and widely recognized among sailors. The test series was developed by Seagull (later renamed Ocean Technologies Group) by Norwegians in 1995, and the online version of the test emerged in 2010 as a e-learning platform.

The Crew Evaluation System ( CES) or maritime tests are a complex of examinations aimed at assessing the basic knowledge of maritime specialists in areas specified by the STCW Convention.