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The Legend of Korra family tree is expansive and extends beyond Avatar Aang, Avatar Korra, and Tenzin’s families.

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What other families are part of the Legend of Korra family tree? It’s a beautiful illustration that demonstrates the diverse cultures and traditions existing in this universe – as well as showing us to what extent all these aspects are intertwined. The Legend of Korra family tree is the perfect example of how Avatar Aang, Avatar Korra and Avatar Tenzin are connected in an intricate web with their extended families, spiritual guides and other nations. What is the significance of the Legend of Korra family tree? Furthermore, spiritual guides from across the Four Nations such as Roku or Kyoshi are all integral members too! With deep roots that span generations and nationalities alike, an understanding of each character within the Legend Of Korra’s familial relationships adds extra depth to our appreciation for these beloved heroes’ stories.

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The Avatar world’s family tree is a rich and varied combination of characters, as it encompasses not just the three Avatars – Aang, Korra and Tenzin – but also their relatives, considered to be part of this vast extended family.

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